10 tips for hand embroidery beginners

10 tips for hand embroidery beginners

So I thought what kind of advice would I give to newcomers and managed to write a complete essay hahaha.

These tips are especially for those who are just starting to embroider by hand, I tried to remind myself at this stage and at that point I tried to think about what I want to say to someone and what my "students" want if they want to say. . Made. He was an embroidery teacher. This is somewhat floral knitting here.

So drink some tea or coffee and sit down because I obviously had a lot to say hahaha.

Related: Electronic Needle Painting Course for Beginners

1. Be kind to yourself

First, I hope you do not put too much pressure on yourself.

There are a lot of beautiful hand embroideries, right? We visit Pinterest and Google all the time. And maybe you were inspired by one of those tasks and you decided, well, I'll start embroidering that way! But then ... your results are a little worse than you thought :(

Do you know him

Well, you have to remember that we all have to practice to master something . And the beautiful embroidery you see on the net is done after you have gained enough experience of the artist. Therefore it would not be fair to compare the work of your newcomers with the work of someone who has long worked in this embroidery world.

If you compare yourself to someone, do it only in a positive way, as motivation to work hard, as a desired goal. If you fail at this and feel frustrated, it is best to avoid confronting yourself.

You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. As simple as the sound of fabric, thread and needle may be, it will still take some time to get to know yourself and learn how to use it most effectively. And then, after a while, the hands get used to moving the girlfriend in the right way, adjusting the eyes and identifying where the girlfriend should fit to make her look better.

As long as you practice, you will get where you want to go :)

2. Start small

The idea here is that you should not overload yourself with big plans and choose something that suits your abilities.

You can find a very beautiful model or design, but if it is on a larger scale, it consists of different techniques, some of which are very new to you, then ... you can drown with a lot of information and finish. All points and the strategic project were completely lost. And that will lead to disappointment.

Of course, no one knows your skills better than you do. It is possible for such projects to function perfectly as a learning place for you! That is, if you are positive enough and patient enough to deal with it. In this case, you will definitely complete the project and feel like a Hercules controlling Cerberus!

Otherwise, do not overdo it. It's okay to start small, try something simple first - no matter how big or small your steps, they will be your goal again :)

3. Consider practice before theory

This is a piece of advice based on my personal experience. And this is especially true for those of you who are taking the first step of hand embroidery.

Take every needle you find, every thread, every piece of cloth and try to sew something: for example , the back knitting, the knitting at the end , the French knot , for example. Well, whatever you want, really. You can move the needle at random until you understand how this "embroidery" works.

So you can read some fabric pins and needles , choose a good yarn (DMC is a common option), find a circle, and slightly improve your practice. With different materials and tools you will notice the difference in your embroidery. Now you can start with other points , try a flower, a leaf, a pet, etc. what do you want

After a little practice like this, you will observe what works best, develop your habits and strategies. These observations will also raise new questions. You can find the answer in the book , Seek advice or ask an expert for their personal opinion. After that, your practice will be updated again.

Of course, this plan is exaggerated. It is very possible to do research and practice on hand-embroidered fabrics at the same time. But I hope I have a general idea.

There is a lot of theoretical information about hand embroidery, but if you already have an experience, if you have something to compare, it is easy to understand. Well, that's my personal opinion. I believe that new abstract knowledge is more suitable for practical knowledge, at least I have seen it in my journey.

4. Do not be afraid to work with 1 thread

Most of what you see on my blog can be called "fine embroidery" , which is mostly done with 1 thread. On my Instagram account, I recently did a small survey where one question had to do with 1 thread work. The answers show that there are many semesters who want to try it, but are really scared / interested in using thread 1 because they think it is too difficult or too long.

Now, if you do not really like working with a thread, that's another matter. Yes! Just do what makes you happy!

But if you like great embroidery, think "it's not for you", "it's too complicated", "it's especially for free artists". Then you can not stay away from the truth. Try it! The problems you may encounter can be resolved over time.

And if you start a hand-knitted adventure, my recommendation is to try working with 1 yarn. If you do not like it, if you decide it is not for you, then switch to 2 or more clothes. But at least you do not have to worry about using yarn 1. You know it is possible and you can do it, but working with more yarn is your conscious decision because you like it more. There is no regret. Do you understand what I mean?

In my case, the first points I made with strands 1 and 2. It was a piece of wild grass, so I worked the stalk with 2 strands, like branches and elements, small leaves. Later I mainly used 2 threads, even for long and short stitches , because I thought the effect was almost the same and in terms of time, working with 2 threads was much faster. However, after a while, I went back to sewing 1 thread because I lacked a "delicate" feeling.

It was easy for me to come back using a single thread because I had no predictions. I knew he was capable of that. And this is what I want for you too: to let you know that you are able to make good points . And then you can decide what you want best.

5. The materials are easy to use

We seem to be at a point where some helpful tips are finally coming out. :)

By "take it easy" I mean ... in general, it is advisable to buy special hand -embroidered clothes . Knitted shop beds are also the best choice. Anyway ... it's expensive. Be very honest. And these are the things you do not want to lose, haha.

So ... I would not say it is a good option for beginners. But also, I would not recommend using something cheap. When working with poor quality materials / tools, this affects your hand embroidery experience.

Therefore my advice is to fight for the golden form. Inexpensive but inexpensive and expensive but high quality , there are cheap options for your sewing adventure . Cheap but fun to work with. I will call it as.

But at the same time, if you need training on any point or technique, you can use cheap pieces of cloth.

6. Get your tools when you learn

In hand embroidery tools you can find very clear items. The list is often quite long and fabrics + needles + yarn may not be the only thing you need. Surprise!

However, I think you should not put too much pressure on these things. Invest in your materials and equipment according to the level you are at, depending on your skills, style and goals.

For example, if you are taking the first step of hand embroidery, all you need is fabric, needle, thread, scissors (to cut the fabric and threads) and bracelets . That's almost everything. That would be enough for a long time.

I tell you more, I did not even have earrings when I left. I used a photo frame, spread it over the fabric and secured it with office clips. I still use it a few times, for exampleafter ironing ; You can see how it is at the end of the message.

And only then can you consider secondary equipment. If it hits my thumb (it doesn’t hit me, so I never bought one). A rug and a fabric cutter : If you want beautiful square fabric (by the way, if you use linen, you can cut it without scissors or a knife). If you have problems with the fibers, dive into the saliva . Yarn Adapter - I still do it, really, so I leave it up to you to research the benefits and see if you need them. Fabric Adhesives - OK, I can think of a few things you can use ( including creating a brooch ), but I personally have not purchased it yet because it is not yet needed.

I mean, if you want to buy all of these to feel more prepared, go ahead. All the people on hand are like the little rodent, hahaha. I like to invest in yarn and fabric, so I think twice if I need this or that tool :) And at the beginning of the embroidery journey, you will not need much.

7. Get your project out of the circle

I wasted one of my sewing jobs because I could not find any advice in my time. So when I started sewing a pattern, I broke it down and left it there until the stitching was over. This lasted several weeks.

As a result, the wrinkles were very visible, the marks of the frame which did not disappear even after washing and ironing several times. Thus the floor fabric “remembers” this attitude.

So always, when you stop sewing during the day, always remove the sewing work from the hoop. When you want to come back, connect. In each sewing session, the fabric should rest for a while.

Also, tie the bracelet ! If you follow the link, I will explain all the benefits of connecting the rings and I will also have a tutorial on how to do it without glue .

8. Health account

Health problems are something that is not talked about enough in the world of hand embroidery. It's a shame. In fact, I think it is an important issue that deserves special attention. But in short, think of hand embroidery as office work.

You sit in a chair / sofa for a few hours, moving only your arms and hands, your head is mostly in the same position and your eyes are tired.

So, like any office job, it is important to take care of your health. Make sure you occasionally lift and move your body, stretch your muscles a bit, including your neck, possibly jump, and do some sitting. You do not have to get out of the way, just move a little to keep the blood flowing properly.

Keep your position straight! Even before I embroidered, I struggled with my posture for a long time, but realized that after learning this craft, it got worse. So now that I take care of myself and my family, I also do push-ups, push-ups and other exercises that help me “memorize” my back position. Luckily it has improved and I am sitting now and I feel very sick and not comfortable when I come back.

You also need to take care of your eyes! I felt something was wrong with them, which you can read here . সাবধান যখন বলি সাবধান, মানে মানে জন্য অর্থহীনতার জন্য, অন্যের ভুলের পুনরাবৃত্তি না করার জন্য দায়িত্বজ্ঞানহীন না না জন্য জন্য বাস্তব পরিণতি রয়েছে রয়েছে "কারণ এখনও খারাপ কিছুই ঘটেনি।" আপনার চশমা সম্পর্কে আপনার চোখের ডাক্তারের সাথে যোগাযোগ করুন, কারও কারও হাতে সূচিকর্মের হতে হতে এবং এবং অন্যদের প্রতিদিনের রুটিন / পড়ার জন্য জন্য এছাড়াও, আপনার দৃষ্টি প্রয়োজন একটি একটি ম্যাগনিফাইং গ্লাস ব্যবহার কথা কথা বিবেচনা করুন করুন বিশেষ হ্যান্ড এমব্রয়ডারি এবং অন্যান্য কারুকাজ রয়েছে রয়েছে এবং নিশ্চিত করুন যে আপনি ভাল সূচিকর্ম করছেন করছেন, হয় একটি জানালা থেকে বা দিনের আলো থেকে থেকে কম আলোতে কখনই সূচিকর্ম করবেন না!

9. আপনি যা চান তা করুন

এখন এটি আপনার পরিবার এবং বন্ধুদের চাপের উপর নির্ভর করে করে দুর্ভাগ্যবশত, আমাদের বৃত্তের লোকেরা সবসময় আমাদের পেশা, আমাদের স্বপ্ন এবং আমাদের আমাদের আমাদের সমর্থন করে না না শুধুমাত্র আমি আপনাকে বলতে পারি যে আপনি যদি সত্যিই হন হন তবে আপনাকে অধ্যবসায় করতে হবে হবে

ইহ, আসুন শুধু বলি যে আমি আগেও আগেও করেছি করেছি এবং আমার একটি পার্শ্ব দৃশ্য রয়েছে রয়েছে রয়েছে আমি অন্য লোকেদের প্রতি যে সাহায্য প্রদান করি তার আমি আমি কেবল আরও বৈষম্যমূলক হতে চাই না

আছে আছে, সত্যিই সত্যিই এটি সম্পর্কে বিস্তারিত বলতে বলতে চাই না না কিন্তু আমি বলব যে আমি আমার চুপ চুপ করে রেখেছিলাম: আমার কাঁধ ঝাঁকিয়ে হাসি দিয়ে বলে, "এটাই আমি পছন্দ করি এবং করতে চাই।"

আপনি ভাল জানেন কি আপনাকে করে করে, তাই আপনি কি চান চান? সবাইকে সবাইকে খুশি করতে পারবেন না না

আপনার কাছের লোকেদের সাথে আলোচনা করা মারামারি মারামারি করা অবশ্যই উভয় পক্ষকে বিভ্রান্ত করবে এবং যা বলতে বলতে তা হল তারা তারা তাদের পরিবর্তন করতে পারে না যদি না তারা কিছু "সাফল্য" বা কৃতিত্ব দেখায় দেখায়

এবং এবং / অথবা ধৈর্যের সাথে এই সমাধান সমাধান করুন করুন যে যে এটিই আপনাকে খুশি করে করে দেখান হাসি এবং আনন্দ দেখান. হতে পারে তারা আপনাকে বোঝে এবং আগ্রহ যেমন যেমন তেমন তেমন করে করে, কোনো "সাফল্যের প্রমাণ" ছাড়াই যদি না হয় এখানে শুধু আপনার একটি একটি পণ্য পণ্য!

ঘটে আমাদের অনেকের সাথেই ঘটে, তাই যদি এটি একটি হয় হয় আপনি একা একা। নন

চলতে থাকুন এবং নিজেকে নিয়ে গর্বিত হন হন এবং আমিও তোমাকে গর্বিত গর্বিত :)

10. আপনার পিছনে নিজেকে রাখুন

আক্ষরিকভাবে বা আক্ষরিকভাবে, কিন্তু আপনার পিঠে শিখা। রাখুন ক্রেডিট ক্রেডিট, অনুমোদন, প্রশংসা আপনার প্রাপ্য দিন দিন করছেন ভাল করছেন! এবং আপনি আরও করবেন করবেন!

আপনার নিজস্ব সমর্থন ব্যবস্থা থাকার বিষয়ে লজ্জা পাওয়ার দরকার নেই নেই আপনার সূচিকর্ম কতটা সুন্দর তা বলার জন্য আশেপাশে কেউ না থাকলে, এটি ফাঁপা না হওয়া পর্যন্ত নিজেকে প্যাম্পার। করুন এবং এমনকি যদি কেউ আপনার প্রশংসা করে তবে আপনি নিজের নিজের সম্পর্কে কিছু যোগ করতে না না?

দেখুন দেখুন! পরিষ্কার পরিষ্কার! এক এই এক, দেখ ক্যানভাসে শুয়ে থাকা কত ভালো! অই! উচ্চ শ্রেষ্ঠত্ব উচ্চ! অন্য কেউ এটা করতে পারেন? না, আপনি বিশ্বের সেরা সেরা ।

করুন প্যাম্পার করুন, বিব্রত হবেন না! :)

আএএএএএএএএএএএএএএএএএএজএপ্রবন্ধ ৫ পৃষ্ঠারজাজা

দুঃখিত, এখানে টিপস বেশ ব্যবহারিক ছিল না. তবে এই জিনিসগুলি জানা এবং মনে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ গুরুত্বপূর্ণ :) আপনি যদি একজন নর্দমা বিশেষজ্ঞ হন তবে আপনার টিপস টিপস শেয়ার করুন! আপনি আপনি যদি একজন শিক্ষানবিস হন, আপনি নীচে আপনার প্রশ্নগুলি পারেন পারেন, আমরা সাহায্য করব!
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