How many strands of thread to use in embroidery?

If you are new to sewing, you may not understand why some artists use fewer laces and others use more.

What's up? What's the difference anyway? Can I build a model designed to use 6 strings with 1 string? And is it possible to draw a pattern of 1-2 threads using 6 threads?

Let's go step by step :)

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How many lines should I use?

There is no right answer here, because it all depends on your taste.

Take a look at the small graph below.

Here I have sewn small stitches on the stitch with 1 to 6 threads. As you can see, the difference between the first and last line is quite striking.

In short, the more cords you use, the stronger, longer and more dimensional your seam will be. It will take less time to work on the component.

And the fewer threads, the more delicate and "flatter" your seam will be. However, working on the same material will take longer.

It is also important to note that if you use less yarn, the use of yarn will be less. If you constantly sew with 6 threads, be prepared for the thread to run out soon.

Over time, to sew the same material with 1 thread, you will need more than 6 threads.

So, if you want to make money selling your sewing, adjust your resources and time wisely. To come up with a great work of art with 1 strand will take a lot of time and effort and you will have to ask for a lot more.

If you want to load moderately, it is advisable to increase the number of threads - it will speed up the process, but increase the cost.

Whether it is possible to sew small jobs from 1 thread - or a simple and laconic design or something in scale.

Yes, math is difficult!

However, I hope you choose the one you like first! This is our priority, because it is very boring to create art that you don't like :(

Now, for embroidery designs, most of them are designed with a series of lines in mind. If you use more / less lines, you are sure to get different results than the goal.

At the moment it is not known what he will do after leaving the post. At best it will look just as good, but it will be bolder or more subtle.

Sometimes it is not even possible to dial the number of channels. After all, let's say, a model designed for 1-2 strings can have small elements, which will be very inconvenient when working with a large number of strings.

After all, it all depends on your choice!

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