How to work mountmellick stitch
Did you know that the name "Mountmelik" refers not only to sewing but also to a particular embroidery?
The origin of Mounmelik embroidery is known among the lower classes of Ireland and will soon be recognized by the royal courts. This work is "white on white" (matte white thread is used on white satin fabric, there may now be different varieties) and has a black scale material and seam. I personally like the unique texture of this style.
Some of the stitches used in this style have already been learned about floral stitches. Satin embroidery , buttonhole , French embroidery and knitting, silver bread embroidery and of course the only and only Mountmelic sewing we learn today :)
Textbook on Mountmelik Online
It's so easy and fun to make, I promise!
I work vertically from top to bottom on the line because it is so convenient in this tutorial. Therefore, make a needle thread and diagonal seam through the fabric at the beginning of the row; This should be the end of the seam on the side of the line (in my case it is on the right and you can copy it). Everything. Step to find "Spikes" on the left).
Return to the end of the diagonal stitches along the fabric. And then slide the addiction from right to left under the direction of the arrow.
Like the Palestine knitting textbook , I do not use a blurred needle here. If she has to be tied up or abducted, I will bring her before my eyes. This helps to prevent the fiber from getting into the fiber. Note the final position of the elbow here. The needle does not enter the created cycle.
That is all we have to do yet.
Now insert the needle into the stitch first ...
... and lie down and go to the lowest place.
Now make sure the resource is in the package.
no more!
You can now create another by following all the steps above. Here is a moment to mention:
For each successive sewing thread, insert the needle into the previous seam.
Here is the last line.
Was it necessary to whiten the head to honor the Montmelic embroidery? Sometimes good ideas come too late, haha!
Remember, although this stitch is basically a stitch pattern, you can use it in any of your projects! You can use it to sew edges and shapes, make a circular circle, extend or shorten the original diagonal seam for different effects. Play with him if you want!
And this year we will finish sewing lessons. We have studied Scroll Stitch , Palestine Stitch and Mountmelick . not bad! Check out the Sewing Library for more tutorials ! It fills in every month and is something to be celebrated :)