Memento: Beginner-Friendly Embroidery Design
As promised, here's a "fancy yet simple" pattern you requested on Instagram.
Since new seamstresses are being born into the world this time around, while she encourages experienced but “retired” seamstresses to do sewing again, I would like to introduce more novice designers to her so that many of us can unite under the banner of embroidery.
It sounds a bit too dramatic, but in a nutshell it is: D:
The first is the Memento theme, it is very suitable for beginners. He wants to make a lot of friends.
His strengths are:
- individual stitches
- 90% of the work is done with 2 marks
- You only need 2 colors of thread
- The patterns can be developed together or separately.
- It looks great on t-shirts, clutches and pockets.
Let's take a closer look.
The PDF document is standard. These include, for example, a thread index, sewing lessons and step-by-step instructions.
Knowing the basics (eg the beginning and end of your thread, design transfer) is recommended, as I will provide information on these topics, if you just picked up a needle for the first time today, it may not be enough not. In this case you can read the blog posts on the embroidery guide label or ask me something via contact , we will know, shaa Allah :)
If you buy it now, you can enjoy the sale in my Etsy store right now (subscribers have already received an additional cookie, check your inbox).
Hope you like!
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