Metallic thread tips: DMC Diamant
Goodbye Stitchfloral is back from the winter holidays :) And the new year is coming to an end, hehe :)
Most of us have a laid back attitude when it comes to painting a picture about ourselves.
I mean, at least for me, it was probably my worst experience as an embroiderer.
I was actually thinking of comparing the 6 Strand Metallics և DMC Diamond, but I did not have the courage to go through that pain hahaha.
What I find is that if you want to use metal in your seam, I can recommend DMC Diamant. It is very easy to work with, և the result is not disappointing.
But as always, there are some tips and tricks that need to be discussed, so let's get started.
DMS Diamond:
Before I start, I want to mention that this is not an advertisement,։ I have nothing in my opinion. These are all my experiences and opinions.
Here is a description of this DMC theme .
A metallic diamond is a smooth, single-layer metal thread that runs through almost any fabric. Smooth և not complicated. One thread is equivalent to two threads of DMC embroidery thread. It is made of viscose, rayon and metal polyester. The thread is soft. և used. DMC Diamant can be used on all types of fabrics, including cotton, linen, satin, silk և provides accurate և even coverage. Ideal for traditional cross-stitch embroidery. The length of each coil is 38.2 meters.
DMC Diamant is a single spoon thread, but this thread consists of 3 layers. The fabric is easy to transfer, և although the cotton thread is a little stiffer than usual, it is flexible enough for a few stitches.
Let's do some practice to better understand the topic.
The main thread
First of all, I want to mention that the thread is very torn.
The three layers that make up the thread do not twist together like a cotton thread. Therefore, when you cut them, they immediately start to separate և separate from the different sides.
If your eye is so large that the eye of the needle passes through the thread, you will not have a problem.
At the beginning of the thread I usually use fastening stitches և it works well. Create a dot to cover, then add a dot next to it և move it to the beginning of the dot.
DMC diamond sewing
So let's see what points have been made on this topic.
As you can see, the sewing line of the stem is very neat and beautiful, I can say that it was not a problem.
However, if you look at it from this angle, you can see that the seams are quite high on the fabric. This should be kept in mind when working with this metal. The yarn is a little stiff, so the seams will rise a little.
Also, some things to keep in mind.
When you play, the wire does not break much (of course, as long as you cut it to the right length. I usually use about 1 hand with this metal). But the end of the thread is worn more and more. I cut the end slowly, but you can not use the torn part.
French knots are made by twisting both around the needle. It is difficult to work with this thread because it is still rigid. However, this is still possible if you carefully hold the end of the thread.
Terminal wire
To finish this metal, it is best to tie the knot on the other side.
The next few stitches cross the thread.
At the same time the needle passes through the eye.
And gently pull the thread until it forms a knot. Then, pass the dessert through several other seams and cut.
This will keep you fast enough not to crash. But if you plan to use something that will be used (for example, a purse, purse or hat), I would personally choose 2 knots for safety.
Here are some other things you can do about it. As you can see, it works well when sewing satin with buttons .
Well, to be completely honest, shiny sewing is hard work, because it's very difficult to get the needle so close to the point before it. That's because the seams rise above the fabric, if you look at it from another angle, it looks like a dome, yes.
Do not be afraid to try this metal. It can be used only to create a luxurious pattern, or you can use it with a cotton thread to give shine և shine. There are many ways to use this thread, so be careful. I can assure you that this topic will give you a more enjoyable experience և more enjoyable results than the 6 metal threads, hahaha.