New spread is ready! See you later, Blue Journal
Hello friends, I hope you haven't forgotten me: D
Surprisingly, it’s been a month since the last blog post!
In the meantime, I’m gradually filling out new posts in the Blue Diary and for now this will be the last!
I’m not saying goodbye to this magazine, this is a temporary goodbye. It’s very difficult to finish the last round, the fight is a bit redundant. It seems ridiculous considering that I have been learning this pattern of lace for a long time ...
I’m still not sure what caused such a mental block as a result of this latest publication. The only thing I know is that I miss sewing other colors : D
It’s embarrassing to promote so many ideas, but one of my strongest beliefs is that if there is an internal conflict while working on a project, it’s probably best to leave it at that. Maybe you need a break, maybe you’re running out of inspiration, maybe you’re in the right shape for something else. Who knows? Anyway, at least I didn't go down without explaining myself first.
I have a lot of sweet emotions in this magazine and I still have a lot of ideas in my head that I want to implement. I would love to continue to enjoy working in the future , which means a little rest!
So a little gallery:
You know, if I think about it for a while ...
The right page was created when I was very sad, crying and worried in those days. When I shed my frustration, it literally disappeared in a day or a half.
As soon as the page was finished, I felt relieved; after all, it’s an art magazine about that. Express your emotions and feelings in the media you want. Let's go. Release yourself.
It worked!
But ... because of the nature of the embroidery, I think it takes longer and I find this page difficult because I work from the left. As soon as the relief was done, the knot itself began to sharpen inside me.
Although there were other melancholy words and expressions in the magazine, there never was one. (What mood ?: D) Probably because it was done after breaking the last page, the rest were just mood swings for the moment. Or something.
Anyway, thank you so much for continuing with me so far!
I don’t know how active I will be this month because of the holiday season. I wish you many happy moments with your loved ones, stay healthy (and at home if possible), take care of yourself! Let’s build with more flowers next year!