8 spring and summer hand embroidery projects
I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to spring! It always happens to me when there is a period between cold and hot, when the temperature stabilizes at about 0 ° C and the roads are covered with snow mixed with puddles. Not my favorite face, to be honest. The good news is that this period can be spent sewing something bright and warm to prepare for the upcoming new season :)
With the end of winter, isn’t it a good time to decide on a spring / summer project? Some tips from the Stitch Floral blog! ❤
Spring in miniature
I mean, it's a name in the true sense of the word, isn't it?
If you are new to embroidery or have been playing with needles and thread for a while, but want to try working with a single thread for the first time, spring miniatures will be the perfect choice.
On Instagram, I sometimes get questions and comments about how difficult it is to sew with a rope. not really! Of course, if you get used to sewing with all six threads, it will be unusual at first. But in the end, it's just a matter of habit.
When sewing these little ones, use a foot stitch , a French knot, a lazy daisy stitch, and so on. You will also learn many important stitches such as You can work them on separate pieces or work them all together as I did: 2 rows with 3 flowers in each.
This series received positive feedback from inexperienced tailors, so I'm sure they helped :) The link will take you to the first flower of the series - Mimoza, after which you can look at them one by one.
Stitch by Cecilia Rose Lang
This project is also suitable for beginners. This is an old point divided into parts, and I posted a picture of the process of working on this drawing and described almost all the steps I took. This means that you have strong visual and didactic support to build with confidence.
But even if you are not a beginner, it is a beautiful design that will not require much time and effort to finish. Check the stitches together for more inspiration :)
While we were working on Stitch Along, I emailed the DMC Thread Index form to everyone involved. Now you can buy it in my store .
3. Lemon
Dude, this is one of my first embroideries and some kind of Etsy couldn't reach the store, so I'll post it for free. When you download it, you get a diagram, a topic index and instructions - the whole set.
It's not a very complicated design and doesn't actually use difficult points. The main star is the button hole , because it is used for all papers. So, if you are still not on the road with this technique, what an opportunity to apply it! All this while growing delicate lemons on your belongings :)
4. Farms
This is a collection of 3 templates that I posted a few days ago. All three have the same style, and all three reflect a popular botanical theme that takes place in the world of embroidery.
If you feel lost, here are some tips on how to work with larger planters. But for models with smaller models, this is a chance to challenge your creativity!
I think this pattern is as perfect as a wall - here you can see what it looks like when placed on a canvas. Add photo frames and it will be a beautiful decoration for your home. Another idea: a canvas bag. Or a tablet stand? There are many ways to take advantage of these forms!
5. Trish Burr Design: Pansy of Magnolia
Now let's talk about embroidery.
If you are in favor of a more realistic approach to hand sewing, when the work begins to look like a painting, these are all you need to master the two connecting seams.
Trish Bohr flowers can be ideal for beginners. The size of these flowers is not so big and it is probably easier to mix colors (in my opinion). But you will need a book to find an example.
Magnolia is a large-scale project with many items and different shapes, so I think it makes sense to work with it to improve your sewing game. But you know yourself better: If you are a person who learns to swim by jumping into deep water, you can cope with all this project. You need to get the pattern in Trish Burr's shop or book - all the details are in the first Stitch Along post.
For these two Stitch Along, I post a few photos of the process I worked on with lots of comments at all steps. So, if you want a project with step-by-step instructions, one of the Stitch Alongs will be the perfect choice.
Plus, aren't both perfect for spring and summer? :)
6. Design of Aqua , Amelia and Serenity plants
These are all designs from my Etsy store . One thing that caught my attention while preparing this post was that all my models have spring / summer air. They all have different levels of difficulty, so choose wisely.
Serenity and Aqua Botanicals designs have the same degree of difficulty, but their temperaments are completely different. The calm, delicate flowers in the geometric frames of Serenity are the exact opposite of the colorful and exotic plants. It is easy to choose your side based on your current mood. You can also choose to work on an individual design or an entire set.
Amelia's designs also feature flowers rich in boho-inspired elements. This may be the most difficult of the group, but the instructions are very detailed and consist of pictures as a visual aid for each step (you can look at each design in my store) :)
7. Poppy dance
These little poppies have an unusual color - pink. Because it is inspired by the eastern pink poppy. Look at Google, it's beautiful!
But if you like the more common red color, you can always change the color and work on poppies as you can see :)
These poppies are delicate and almost faint on the material, so if you love designs with a soft, romantic feel, or if you like this mood for your new project, this is the perfect candidate.
You can download the pattern and I will share the threads and stitches I used while working on my post.
8. A bouquet of flowers
Finally, a bouquet of flowers that we have not worked on for a long time. In fact, there is no scheme to download it, but it is interesting. I also work for no reason, I decide where to put things and build.
I think it's great to practice your improvisational skills from time to time and create something out of material without any preparation, just to follow your instincts and mood.
To be honest, there was a preparation for this bouquet - I decided in advance which stitch I wanted to use. This is mainly because it is intended to be part of a training exercise to apply the new techniques we have previously learned: in the article you will find links to all the textbooks.
So why not make your own package for next season? You can literally plan everything, draw the pattern yourself, decide what flowers to sew and what colors you want to use. Or just go with the flow. I promise it will be a lot of fun! :)
So here is a list of beautiful flower sewing ideas that you can use in your new projects to meet spring and summer. Make a cup of tea / coffee and review all the contents to choose the one that suits you best :)
With all the free articles I share, I only have the following rules: You don't use it for any commercial gain, if you offer it, give me credit, don't republish it, and don't claim it's your design.
The rest depends on your creativity: change the size of the pattern and color, and use different techniques and stitches than you use. You can also use the pattern as inspiration, but add some extra details or, conversely, simplify it yourself.
As long as it is for personal use, you can multiply it for your convenience. And be sure to show your results! I'm glad to see your work!